Monday, May 24, 2010

The nation of fear

Fear is one of the most important instincts that makes us human. Fear helped early humans avoid dangerous situations like predatory animals. It made humans unite to form tribes which evolved into nation states, so they are able to defend themselves and protect their resources.

Nevertheless, it is important to distinguish between two types of fear. The first type is reasonable fear being based on a real foreseeable danger. It is prudent and wise to take appropriate protective action to protect oneself and others. Taking risks without proper assessment of danger is a sign of foolishness not bravery.
The second type of fear is unreasonable fear that keeps one from developing and growing that is fear from no real or reasonable danger. Some of these fears could really be determinant like fear of failure preventing one from taking calculated risks. Fear of rejection as if being refused by a loved one, a client or a boss is going to be the end of the world. There is also fear of innovation and of trying anything new leading to stagnation and being behind in technology.

As an Egyptian I found that our society teaches us fear from infancy. We were taught to be submissive and blindly follow authority. Our education system discourages critical thinking and makes students terrified to use their brains. At work employees are put in a bureaucratic system that encourage risks aversion and diffusion of responsibility. In the government and the private sector no one is responsible for anything and the few people who are willing to take charge are usually the most corrupt using the system for their personal gain. Those corrupt officials are very confident not because they are smarter than everyone, but because they are sure that noone is going to account them for their actions, since everyone is afraid.

Mubarak and his corrupt cronies are like a paper tigers that would crumble in front of people's will. However, in Egypt most people do not vote, thus giving the regime a plenty of room to forge the election. In addition, very few people are willing to demand real political reform, hence the government is giving them fake reforms to make it look better in front of the international community. Furthermore, many of us are afraid of rival ideas and wanting to live in our comfort zones, this makes democratic exchange of ideas impossible if everyone is guarding his/her mind perceiving any disagreement as a threat.

A nation living in fear will never progress unless it breaks the barrier of fear and looks into the future. Egyptians have a rich history with a glorious past that many try to reenact. However, time has changed we need to live in the present and plan for the future, but also learn from our past mistakes and achievements.

1 comment:

  1. This is very true , what currently controls us the conspiracy theory .Even after America was supporting the reveloution , they were fooled by the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood will control Egypt's regime , so changed their minds and supported him again . The conspiracy theory includes Qatar , Israel , America , Iran , Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood . We can't negate that , but we shouldn't exaggerate it and now lots are aware that this was a trick especially the one of the Muslim Brotherhood Controling the reveloution Our current fear is that any constitutional changes should be approved by him and that in case he will leave immediately the Army will rule and we'll be governed by the army the rest of our lives , as we were governed from Najeeb's era till Mubarak's .

    Yasmin Rabie
